Violence against women (in short as VAW) is a technical term used to collectively refer to violent acts that are primarily or exclusively committed against women. Violence Against Women (VAW) is prevalent in Cambodia despite being under-reported. There are many kinds of VAW such as domestic violence, trafficking, etc. Rape is among the most serious problem in Cambodia. It appears in almost every issue of the newspapers. Most victims don't dare to speak out, to denounce their abusers because they are afraid of being stigmatized. Ms. Chim Manavy, Executive Director of the Open Institute talked to students from Panhasastra University at a learning session on 28 February, 2014.
She continued ending violence against women is crucial to achieving equality between men and women and delivering good development outcomes. Long and short-term solutions are necessary, from institutional change to immediate assistance for survivors. It is now time to end tolerance to VAW.
As requested from Professor Nakagawa Kasumi at Panhnasastra University, in sharing about violence against women project to her students, on 28 February 2014, a learning session was conducted at the Open Institute meeting room. It was held under facilitation and supporting of UN Women and Open Institute staffs. Mr. Uy Sareth, Media Monitoring for Ending VAW in Cambodia' s Project Manager and Ms. Yuki Lo, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of UN Women shared their presentation to more than 20 student about the project, about VAW in a broader concept, the definition, type and nature of VAW and about methodology to monitor media reflection on VAW in Cambodia. The purpose of this presentation was to make student to better understand the meaning of Violence Against Women (VAW) and be able to promote gender equality in Cambodia.
Mr. Uy Sareth presented about the term “violence against women”. The term means intentional physical, sexual, and/or psychological abse of women due to their biological sex and/or their social role. Next is about the type and nature of violence using the definition of World Health Organization, and international and national laws as well as the conventions related to violence in general and in Cambodia. Finally, he presented the research methods has been using in the media monitoring.
In addition, Ms. Yuko Lo, introduced briefly about role of the media in prevention victims. She explained deeply the cycle of violence and form evidence-based recommendations to STOP the media from re-victimise the women, blaming the victims, accept or downplay any forms of violence and making gender biased statements. she encouraged the media to promote equitable gender norms, condemn any forms of violence against women, respect and protect victims of violence and hold duty bearers to account for response service and access to justice.
As conclusion of the training session, students come out with the clear ideas related to violence against women with a lot of questions about gender and violence against women in Cambodia. Staffs of Open Institute expressed thanks again to UN Women staff of providing the fruitful presentation and showing the perfect partnership in providing and sharing knowledge relate to violence against women.
The Open Institute is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that envisions Cambodia as a country in which widespread access to high quality education, information, communication, and technology lead to a more developed and just society. Currently, Open Institute has received funds from UN Women to study on the Media Monitoring for Ending Violence Against Women in Cambodia. The project will track and record information about VAW/G so that we can start to develop strategies to significantly lower the tolerance for violence and reduce the negative portrayal of women in media.