Gender Based Violence (GBV) project in Cambodia
The Gender Based Violence (GBV) project in Cambodia aims to empower women’s organization in Cambodia to use information and communication technologies (ICT)toreporting and keep track of GBV incidence so as to assist government prevention efforts in responses to violence against women (VAW); and in the implementation of the country’s National Action Plan to End Violence againstWomen. This will in turn contribute towards a more active citizenry that are able to fulfill their commitments and in this way contribute towards achieving the country’s developmental goals and the Millennium Development Goals.
This project can be considered as an initiative study on a diagnostic of the government’s mechanism for combating gender based violence in Cambodia. The project was implemented in 379 communes (out of 1,621) in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces in Cambodia. The 379 communes were randomly selected by implementing partners. Planning and consultation with our implementing partners determined which specific Sangkat formed the project.
There are two components in the project: 1) The research, 2) The training. The approach of the research is to gather information on the occurrences of violence in 2011 in four selected areas: Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang, and Kompong Thom provinces. The initiative of Ushahidi platform has been developed to allow information collection, visualization and interactive mapping, facilitating participants’ work by allowing them to submit the report and retrieve the information related to GBV more conveniently. Informationrelated available serviced also searchable through the platform. Training courses were provided to more than hundred commune councilors and NGOs staff member of Cambodia NGO-CEDAW on data collection and how to use and reporting in Ushahidi platform.
The Gender based violence (GBV) project lead and funded by the Association of Progressive Communications (APC), implemented by the Open Institute in cooperation of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the National League of Communes/Sangkats (NLC/S), a network comprise of more than 10,000 councilors across Cambodia.
The main project activities:
- Platform development (Ushahidi platform)
- Meeting with National League of Communes /Sangkats and researcher to set up indicators
- Design questionnaires
- Training commune/sangkat councilors, Women NGOs members and relevant organizations on the use of platform and data collection
- Data collection
- Clear data and data entry
- Information analysis
- Advocacy forums
- Monitoring and Evaluation: quarterly, each semester, and at the end of the project
- Publicize the result of data base and make it available online for public use.
- Related information by seeing in Links:
1. Please see a video clip on Gender Based Violence mapping in Cambodia:
2. Forums and Trainings:
2.4 Forum on Media and Social Media participation to ending against violence:
Project's contact:
Name: Ms. Sok Sokunthea, Project Manager of the Open Institute
Mobile number: 095 222 921