Khmer Choun Nath Dictionary (Unicode)​

Khmer Choun Nath Dictionary (Unicode) 1.1 allows you to search and find Khmer words' definitions using any Khmer Unicode keyboard. It works in Android version from 2.1 to the latest version.
The definition has zoom-able feature which allow you to zoom in or zoom out and another feature is Hyperlink in definition which allows you to display other definitions from the definition that you are in. These feature supports in almost all Android versions except Android 2.1 and 3.0.
Moreover, If you haven't installed any Khmer Unicode Keyboard in your phone then the application will alert and suggest you to install it.
The dictionary data is from Buddhist Institute.
This application has been developed by the Open Institute as part of the work of the USAID funded SPICE program. It is licensed under a LGPL License that allow free use, copying and distribution.
To Download and Install from Google Play Store in your phone : 1. Open Play Store application 2. Search "Choun Nath Dictionary" or "chounnath" or "khmer choun nath dictionary" 3. Install
URL of Khmer Choun Nath Dictionary in Google Play ៖
Source code of this application has been distributed in Sourceforge:

